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Tips for Career Success in the New Year
Ask any career professional and he/she will tell you that January is one of the busiest months of the year for them. With the beginning of a new year, people start looking at making new beginnings or long-overdue changes in their lives whether it is losing weight, stopping smoking, or changing jobs. If they decide to change jobs or career fields, and they are concerned about doing it successfully, they seek the services of a career professional – a resume writer, a career counselor or a career coach. This makes for busy days for those who specialize in helping others succeed in their careers.
Like losing weight or breaking a bad habit, making a career transition will take time, effort, and investment. A job search takes time; the average job search lasts about 12 weeks with that average going higher in direct proportion to the increase in salary level. It is easier for an administrative assistant to find a job than it is for the CEO of a Fortune 1000 company. This is due to the fact that there are more jobs at lower salary levels and fewer specific qualifications required. It’s fairly easy to find an admin that will do a satisfactory job; it’s more difficult to find a CEO who fits the bill.
Job search takes effort. We have become accustomed in this day to ease. Everything is easy – communications, travel, availability of information, obtaining goods and services. When we are faced with something difficult, we tend to become discouraged more quickly than our parents’ generation. Job search is going to require organization, time, learning, and moving out of comfort zones. Most people only job search every three to five years so when it comes time to make a change, the activities required such as interviewing, networking, communicating, or presentation feel awkward. When faced with these difficult activities, many job seekers get discouraged rather than buckling down and working harder. Being prepared mentally for the effort goes a long way toward achieving success.
Job search takes investment. To put investment in perspective, first consider the investment you have made in your career to date. You probably invested thousands of dollars in your education not to mention lots of effort that came in the form of late night studying, working multiple part-time jobs, and sacrificed family or social time to make the grade. You have probably invested in some sort of continuing education whether it is seminars, advanced degrees, special certification, conferences, or an internship. In your work life, you have invested time, headache, late hours, stress hours, commute time, and lost family/personal time to advance your career. So when it comes to investing in advancing your career, you are already well-vested. Now it is time to invest in marketing the career that you have built.
Most executives realize the value of marketing because they work with the necessities of marketing the goods or services of a company every day. They are used to selling ideas to consumers, investors, partners, and others who are in a position to advance their interests. Marketing your career effectively has the same value. Invest in a good marketing campaign (professional resume, internet posting, mass mailing to recruiters, etc.) and your investment will bring returns.
Now as you resolve to make a positive change in your career in the new year, whether it is finding a better job, a new career field, or even simply pleading your case for a raise, remember that the process will require investment, effort, and time. Do it right from the start and you will save on all three.
November 2005 /
December 2005 /
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