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Resume Writing
By: Steven G Conklin

Resume writing is an art. You will have to master this art in order to land up with a plum job. Your resume must be your unique masterpiece. Resume writing has undergone lots of changes and has evolved over the time. Resume writing is no longer about telling your degrees and qualifications, rather the resume should speak about the ‘real you’ on the paper, in your absence.

While writing your resume do not follow the tested routes. Try to incorporate something new. Your resume could be your ticket to your awaiting success and recognition. Your resume presents you to the prospective hirer. So take note as to how you would like to present yourself to a prospective employer.

A job offer attracts hundreds of resumes. The prospective employer has a pile of resumes stacked up in front of him. No employer has the time or the patience to go through the hundreds of resumes they receive daily. The prospective employer will just glance through all these resumes. If you have a well-written resume, it will instinctively attract the employer’s attention. Yes! It is possible to get a special attention to your resume even among the piling resumes. Remember, a well-written resume always attracts attention.

Your resume is not a historical account of your past. It should concentrate on your job history. Never write a resume reluctantly. You should not write it just for the sake of securing a job. You should use a real enthusiasm while writing it. Your resume reveals your state of mind to the employer.

Take care to write your resume according to the nature of the job you are seeking out. The resume should not contain unnecessary details about your other qualifications that are not required for the job applied. Be crisp in giving out information about the type of job you are seeking and the type of job you have experience at.

Before you start writing a resume be sure about the career path you want to follow. If you yourself are not sure about it then you will go nowhere. You will end up confusing your prospective employer thereby minimizing your chances of getting hired. Maybe this employer was the one you have always dreamt of being worked with. Just because you do not have a good resume you will end up losing the lifetime opportunity.

You must follow some basic rules of resume writing. The resume should be accurate and contain only the necessary and desired information. There should be uniformity in the use of capital letters, italics, bullets and underline. Your resume should be flawless. Your names, address, phone number and email address should always be mentioned at the top. Focus on all your strengths with the correct usage of grammar and syntax of language. Your resume should be eye catching.

Remember your resume can make or break your career. Spend quality time in constructing your resume. Master the art of resume writing. After all it’s your own masterpiece and a ticket to the bright future awaiting you.

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